
1. Looked at book on Hans Bellmer for inspiration

2. Start with blank Living Dead Doll

3. Cut off piece of white cheesecloth

4. Dye cheesecloth with black tea

5. Allow dyed cloth to dry

6. Sculpt breasts out of flesh-colored clay

7. Bake clay breasts in oven to harden

8. Cut part of head and leg off with jigsaw, and distress plastic with blade

9. Paint doll with flesh color, dirty color, pink stripes, and dark eyes

10. Attach baked and painted breasts to doll with superglue

11. Distress corrugated cardboard for base

12. Cut up bits of lace and fishnet for base

13. Glue fabric pieces over cardboard

14. Place doll on base

15. Swath doll in dyed and distressed cheesecloth, glue in place

16. Artist with finished doll

17. Doll on pedestal